Ms. Namita Nayyar: You are a world famous AcroYoga Performer. So what exactly is AcroYoga? And how is it different from the regular Yoga exercises?
Ms. Chelsey Korus: Acroyoga is the practice of trust and connection. The work done on my yoga mat in my personal practice which prepares me for my work in the world. It brings me deeper into a sacred space of solitude, while lifting my eyes up and out towards a universe that I feel very connected to. When working in a partnership–your eyes are met by ONE person and that person will serve as your mirror. A mirror to your potential, your power and your strength. As well as a mirror to your communication skills, your ability to listen, and your patterns.. Meaning– the stuff we are working through on our mats, gets amplified in partner work, and it does not come in short poetic dharma talks. It comes in the form of a living human being, offering their hands and feet to support you and you’ve just gotta TRUST and GO! One learns quickly that pointing fingers won’t get you anywhere.
Just like we learned in yoga, we take responsibility for our thoughts and words and how they effect the space around us. Acroyogis work as a team and every failure is “we” and every victory is “we” never “me”. Naturally questions like “What can I do to support you better?” come out and it feels like a powerful shift. This practice of trust and connection has taught me to look someone in the eye, steady and grounded, and honestly say with confidence, “I got you.”
Ms. Namita Nayyar: Before becoming a yoga & fitness instructor, you have also been trained in martial arts, classical and modern dance, gymnastics, and acrobatics. How has your experience in all these other sports & activities helped you in learning and teaching Yoga?
Ms. Chelsey Korus: To me, yoga is the practice of finding union or “yoking” the body, mind, and spirit. So naturally, I would be led to other body-mind practices. Martial arts continues to teach me about discipline, while dance teaches me about uninhibited expression. Gymnastics and Acrobatics combines them both and pushes me to do “a little everyday.” I use all of these disciplines along with what I call “soul work” when creating a yoga class for my students. I feel now-a-days we can see the benefits in being multi-discipline when training the body, because that is the world we live in. We need disciple, self expression, soul work, and the freedom to chose what is needed on that day to live a full and awakened life!
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