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Model-Turned Food Entrepreneur Catherine McCord Shares Her Weelicious Journey!

Catherine McCord

Catherine McCord

Catherine McCord is a former fashion model, actress, and television program hostess. She is the founder of Weelicious, a website dedicated to helping parents expose their children to wholesome, delicious homemade food. She is also the co-founder of One Potato, an organic home meal delivery kit service, focused specifically on the mealtime needs of families, and the author of the cookbooks, Weelicious: One Family. One Meal. and Weelicious Lunches: Think Outside the Lunchbox.

McCord appears regularly on the Food Network’s Guy’s Grocery Games and has had guest spots on the Food Network’s shows Next Food Network Star and Duff Till Dawn.

In her own words,

Maintaining a blog and a website takes time and commitment, especially when the focus is food. Follow me around for a week and you’ll see me scouring local farmer’s markets for the season’s freshest produce, working in my organic garden, and testing recipes in the kitchen with my toughest critics, my son, Kenya (4), and daughter, Chloe (2). Why do I have such a love affair with food? It’s been in my blood for as long as I can remember.

I grew up in Louisville, KY and, thanks to my parents and grandparents, had an understanding very early on of the impact food has on our health and well-being. I was taught to respect food and learned about gardening, composting, canning, and shopping at u-pick farms and farmer’s markets; traditions I’m passing along to my kids.

I started modeling in my teens and soon found myself traveling the world, spending every spare second learning about and experiencing the local cuisines. Craving more, I saved up my money and enrolled at The Institute for Culinary Education in Manhattan.

Fast forward a few years, I got married and had my beautiful baby boy, Kenya. When he was ready to start solid foods, I spent hours on the internet researching feeding tips and fresh, healthy recipe ideas, but came up short. I found myself having conversations with friends who struggled with the same issues and I quickly became their go-to girl for baby and child-friendly recipes. I believed that if it helped them, then there just might be a lot of new moms out there looking for the same guidance. That was my “aha!” moment…and my next baby,, was born.

Catherine McCord, has been voted by People Magazine as one of the 50 most influential “Mommy Bloggers.” She walks us through her incredible professional journey in an exclusive interview with Namita Nayyar, President Women Fitness.

Full Interview on Next Page!


All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2017 Women Fitness

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You started modeling in your teens but for your love of trying out new cuisines, soon enrolled yourself at The Institute for Culinary Education in Manhattan. You are now the founder of Weelicious, an incredible website. Walk us through your culinary journey and tell us how it all began?

Ms. Catherine McCord:

I’ve always loved good fresh food. MY grandparents were very into growing their own food, so I would help them pick, sort and freeze it. When I started modeling I was able to travel the world and understand more about different culture and how food plays a part in the way we learn to appreciate a variety of foods.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You are a former fashion model, actress, television program hostess, the founder of Weelicious, co-founder of One Potato and the author of two cookbooks. Introduce us to a day in your remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle.

Ms. Catherine McCord:

It’s BUSY! The day begins waking before my kids to go through emails and get ready for the day. By 6:45 am I’m in the kitchen making smoothies for everyone. The kids pick the ingredients the night before and I share it on social media, so I’m filming as I go. Even our baby started drinking smoothies packed with fruits, vegetables and protein as 10 months old.

After the older kids are at school I hang with my baby, and cook, head out to a One Potato or Weelicious meeting for much of the day or am out of town filming Guys Grocery Games on the Food Network. The best part about my job is that no two days are ever the same. The variety keeps me excited and charged. Afternoons are running around the kid activities, homework and always dinner as a family and back to work after dinner. There’s not much time for rest.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine?

Ms. Catherine McCord:

It’s so sad. Yoga and Pilates were my happy place 5-6 days a week for years. These days I’m so crazed that nursing and carrying a baby around are my form of exercise. I get back on the horse in 2017!

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Share with us your diet plan that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit.

Ms. Catherine McCord:

My diet is not having a diet. Overall I eat really healthy: a tons of fruits, vegetables, proteins like chicken and fish, greek yogurt and whole grains. I love my sweets too, though. Every day I have something “sinful” to achieve that balance.


Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Give us Your Top 5 Hair and Skincare Tips.

Ms. Catherine McCord:

Only wash your hair every few days, wash your face before bed every night, use an emollient moisturizer and sunscreen several times a year, always use eye cream and use a blow dryer on your eyelash curler before using it to make your eyelashes curl beautifully before applying mascara. No need to get extensions.

Ms. Namita Nayyar: 

Being the founder of Weelicious, a website dedicated to helping parents expose their children to wholesome, delicious homemade food. What advice and tips can you give to our readers who are young moms and wish to give their kids healthy and nutritious home-cooked food?

Ms. Catherine McCord:

This is the exact reason I started One Potato. I love cooking, but pulling off an exciting dinner 7 days a week is tough. The One Potato ingredients are organic, all of the menus are semi prepared so the meals take around 30 minutes or less and everything is kid and adult friendly. I seriously don’t know what I would do without my box each week!

In general if you’re offering a variety of nutritious foods, get your kids involved in picking foods and cooking with you they will find healthy foods that interest them. Keep it simple and fun!

Ms. Namita Nayyar: 

Who has been your greatest influence and motivator in your success in this field?

Ms. Catherine McCord:

My parents 100%. They always told me I could do anything I wanted to as long as I was honest, hard working and saved.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

In August 2010, People voted you as one of the 50 Most Influential “Mommy Bloggers.” Share with us a few of your healthy cooking tips for mothers post-pregnancy.

Ms. Catherine McCord:

Post pregnancy is an especially tough time. You really need to be increasing your calorie intake if you’re nursing, but you want them to be as nutritious as possible. New moms are also nonstop busy caring for their babies. Sign up friends and family to bring you your favorite foods so you don’t make choices that won’t make you feel your best.


Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Since we’ve entered the age of “Superfoods”, what according to you are the Top 5 Superfoods of 2017?

Ms. Catherine McCord:

My top Superfoods would be bee pollen, dragonfruit, avocado oil, activated charcoal and Inca Nuts.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Share with us your current Top 3 Favorite Recipes.

Ms. Catherine McCord:

Spiced Chicken with Olives and Lemon (we’ve been making this healthy entree once a week for months)

Crispy Smashed Potatoes (my kids could eat these all day long!)

Harvest Salad which is packed with nutrients and perfect for the winter months.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding food bloggers who all are your fans, they shall like to know from you, what they should do for their climb to ladder of success in this field?

Ms. Catherine McCord:

Get in the kitchen, go to your local farmers market and get in touch with your food. The best way to feel good and healthy about your food choices is when you have a hand in making the food you will eat. I always say cooking is like an edible art project. It’s incredibly satisfying. As a step one pick 3-5 recipes and really master them so you can cook and eat them whenever you want.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What do you wish to say about the website and message for its visitors?

Ms. Catherine McCord:

There’s nothing more exciting than women empowering other women. We all need each other and these stories to make sure we stay strong in our mind and body!

To know the latest from Catherine McCord, Follow her on

Or check out her website:

Women Fitness Team thanks Catherine McCord for giving her valuable time for this interview, enlightening us and our viewers and quenching the thirst of her fans to know more about her.


All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2017 Women Fitness

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