Omega-3 supplements are
safe and necessary for improved health
TORONTO(CNW), February 17,2004
If our fish is contaminated with PCBs and Mercury, are fish oil supplements
as well? That is the question of the day, as
health-conscious consumers try to up their Omega-3 fatty acid levels. Dr.
Alan Logan, ND FRSH, noted Omega-3 fatty acid researcher says no, there are
Omega-3 supplements that are safe and necessary for improved health and
research to back this up.
Recently, Harvard Medical School researchers examined commercially available
fish oil supplements and found that they have only "negligible amounts of
In the study, published in Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,
the authors state... "due to the lower measured concentrations of mercury in
commercial fish oil preparations, consumption of fish oil may be preferable
to consuming fish"
Further, they state... "The additional benefit of fish oil is that large
doses of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids can be ingested easily in a
capsule without risk of toxicity."
"Look for Omega-3 supplements that are sourced from small, wild, ocean fish
such as sardines, mackerel and anchovies," says Dr Logan. "These fish have a
short lifespan and a low position on the food chain, therefore they are
not associated with high levels of contaminants."
And only purchase supplements from companies that use the strictest
standards set by the U.S. FDA, the Council for Responsible Nutrition, and
the Environmental Protection Agency to ensure any existing heavy metals or
PCBs are removed. These supplements are most likely cleaned using the
gentle, yet very effective, steam distillation method. It has no effect on
the final product quality or bio-availability but ensures a safe, toxin-free
fish oil. If you have problems eating fish and worry about the fishy
aftertaste of many fish oils, looks for one that uses the unique id
System(TM) enteric coating, that allows for better absorption with no fishy
repeat, aftertaste or smell.
Dr. Alan Logan, ND
Dr. Alan C. Logan is a Connecticut Board Certified Naturopathic Physician
and director of CAM Research Consulting. Dr. Logan graduated as
valedictorian from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto.
He has been published in a number of mainstream and complementary medical
journals as well as having authored numerous articles for the lay press. Dr.
Logan completed his training in mind/body medicine at the Mind/Body
Institute of Harvard
Medical School in 2001.