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Breast-Enlargement Herbs: Natural Way To Breast Enhancement

Large, round and firm breast are what many women desire to have. For many, full breasts symbolize beauty and enhance a woman’s femininity. While some women are naturally blessed with firm breasts, there are many who are extremely conscious about the small size of their breasts.

The breast is a mass of glandular, fatty and connective tissue. Breast tissue changes during puberty, during the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy and after menopause. During puberty, the breasts respond to hormonal changes in the body and begin to develop. Estrogen and progesterone are the two hormones that play a key role in the development of breasts. Nutrition and genetics also play an important role in determining the size of a woman’s breasts.

The beauty industry is flooded with a variety of breast enlargement options ranging from creams, pills and hormonal injections to expensive surgical options. If you want to go the natural way, there are some natural remedies that can give you good results.

Natural methods can be effective but will take time, patience and consistency in your approach. However, natural remedies may not help women who have small breasts due to hereditary factors.

A wide selection of herbs and plant supplements purported to cause breast growth. Though some women swear by these natural medicines, none have been scientifically proven to be as effective as traditional “Western” cures and should be regarded with a healthy degree of skepticism. Additionally, certain naturopathic herbs can cause potentially serious complications in people who are taking certain medications (especially blood thinners) so you’ll always want to talk to a doctor before beginning a course of herbal supplements.

Herbs that Encourage Breast Growth:

Saw palmetto

Breast enlargement can be enhanced by certain hormones including prolactin, progesterone, growth hormone and estrogen. In recent years most women have been seeking natural ways to increase the size of their breasts as opposed to undergoing the breast surgery or breast augmentation. The use of organic food products and herbs have been used for quite some time to enhance the enlargement of breasts.

Saw palmetto is an indigenous plant which is commonly found in coastal region of South America and the Caribbean. Saw palmetto plant is used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia in men. It also promotes smooth digestion, healthy appetite and urethra functions. Saw palmetto is also used to improve female libido and treat male impotence.

Saw palmetto has come to the aid of many women who desire to enhance the size of their breasts and have a firmer and fuller shape of the breasts. The use of saw palmetto to enhance breast enlargement started very long time ago and until up to date naturopathic physicians still recognize it for that purpose. Its enhancing effects on breasts are caused by the phytonutrients which stimulate the development of breast tissue thus improving health, appearance and size of the breasts.

In the early years, the American botanists observed that in animals which fed on saw palmetto berries looked more robust and healthier, they had a renewed sexual vigor and an enhanced muscle tone. Saw palmetto herb also stimulates prolactin production.Prolactin promotes the enlargement of breasts and production of milk in breastfeeding mothers.

Saw palmetto has no drug interactions or side effects thus, its most suitable for women who seek to enhance their breast size and appearance. Saw palmetto is normally available in oral capsules, natural berry, tea and tablets form.

There is no any fixed dosage that is recommended though it’s better to begin by taking 160 mg of 85-95% extract twice daily.Often,the results are seen within the first 30-60 days. However, how fast the results are achieved varies from one individual to another, as in some women the results will take almost a year to appear.

When saw palmetto is mixed and taken together with certain herbs (particularly those that contain diosgenin),the results are achieved quicker and also there is more increase in size of the breast compared to when it’s used alone.

The FDA has warned people of the products which claim to be used for breast enhancement since they cause the breasts to enlarge by water retention. Thus, when purchasing saw palmetto for breast enhancement it’s important to strictly follow the guidelines below;

Saw palmetto is purported to encourage breast enlargement. This supposed benefit is based on the premise that the herb stimulates the production of the female hormone prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone released by the pituitary gland that promotes breast development and milk production in women who are breastfeeding, according to the National Institutes of Health. It is believed that when taken during the follicle phase, it helps lower the testosterone (the male hormone), resulting in more of the estrogen and prolactin making the breasts grow.


Kava (Piper methysticum), often called kava kava, used traditionally in the Western Pacific and the name may refer to both the plant and the beverage made from the roots. Kava has a calming effect and has become quite a common ingredient in herbal medicine for sleep problems and anxiety.

Kava (kava kava) is found in many cultures around the Pacific: Polynesia, Vanuatu, Melanesia, parts of Micronesien and Australia. Traditionally, in medicine we use crushed roots (rhizomes) from kava mixed with a little water and sloughs. The liquid is mixed with cold water and we should drink the medicine while it’s still fresh. Traditional uses seem to be mainly as a relaxing agent in social settings.

The psychological effect kava has is mainly mild sedative and muscle relaxant. This herb is best known in the West to be soothing and also has mood-enhancing effect which is also documented in studies thanks to its calming influence impairs their mental performance. It is recognized that the effect may vary slightly depending on plant conditions and how the preparation is done. With the standardized extracts the benefits of the herb is present to most users.

There has now been fairly well -conducted research on kava. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Review (2009) concluded from analysis of seven studies that kava is effective against anxiety and reported adverse events were mild, transient and infrequent. In one study (placebo-controlled and double-blind) made at the University of Queensland, Australia, published 9 May 2009 in Psychopharmacology examined the kava in patients who had generalized anxiety a month or longer. Some of the patients had concurrent problems with depression. Treatment included the patients taking five tablets daily of extracts of kava with a daily dose of 250 mg kava extract. The conclusion from the study was that:

Kava had significant anxiolytic activity.

Moreover, the treatment offers an antidepressant effect.

The effect of anxiety was not worse with concomitant depression.

It is believed that Kava Kava in able to increase the body’s production of prolactin; one of the hormones that are responsible for breast growth. In fact, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has referred to a study with 59 participants taking the Kava extract for two months and 39 of them have reported back with the increase in breast size. This study was placebo-controlled.

Wild yam

Wild Yam is an herbal plant whose roots and tubers contain plant-derived female hormone called diosgenin, which is the precursor to Progesterone and DHEA. This herb has many plant-derived estrogens which are normally produced by the human diosgenin which stimulates the body’s own hormone production. Extracts from the root of Wild Yam contain an alkaloid substance which relaxes the abdominal muscles.

Wild Yam also contains steroid saponin, which is considered to act as an anti-inflammatory and reduce puffiness. It is recognizable by its slender red-brown trunk and drooping yellow flowers that bloom in summer. During the 1940s, Wild Yam was found by researchers and scientists. Until then, the production of these hormones could only be done by expensive multistage extraction in animals.

Wild Yam is currently the main source of semi-synthetic Progesterone, DHEA and other hormones. Recently, Wild Yam won the reputation of being one of nature’s best sources of phytohormones. Wild Yam can help to redress relief without side effects or toxicity.

Wild Yam contains diosgenin that is believed to relieve troublesome menopausal symptoms such as mood swings, vaginal dryness, irritability, hot flashes, cramps and insomnia. Many women choose hormone replacement therapy to treat the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause.

However, accordingly to studies by Klaus Ferlow; the honorary president of Master Herbalist of Dominion Herbal College in British Columbia, the side effects of hormone replacement therapy, such as increased risk of breast cancer, heart attacks, blood clots and stroke, leaving many women looking for the natural option found in wild yam.

It is believed that the diosgenin in wild yam balances a woman’s menstrual cycle and reproductive hormone. Wild Yam can lead to production of natural progesterone and also affects a woman’s estrogen levels. It adapts to what the body needs.

Diosgenin, however, cannot be converted by enzymes in the body, so instead it’s done in the scientific laboratories to make it a more absorbable, effective option.

Since it is a herbal medicine, there is no standard in recommended dosage like prescription drugs. It is best to follow the instructions on the product label. But for the purpose of breast enlargement or treating menopausal symptoms, recent study has shown that women who replaced their staple food with 390 grams of wild yam (2 of 3 meals a day) for the period of 30 days have experienced major increases in concentrations of estrone (26%), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) (9.5%), and a near significant increase in estradiol (27%).

Wild Yam also comes in the form of a cream and should be applied to large, thin skin areas, such as the inner thighs, face, neck, upper chest or abdomen. Rotate application sites daily. Allow three months for results. Klaus says that the longer a woman uses wild yam cream, the more positive impact she will notice.

Wild yam (Dioscorea barbasco) is something that has historically been used in herbal medicine for women’s health. Some of the positive effects wild yam has include smooth muscle relaxation and a mild diuretic effect. Contrary to the information provided by the companies that produce wild yam supplements, wild yam is not converted to progesterone in the body.

This transformation can only occur in a laboratory.The body may absorb wild yam extract through the skin, which may have some effect on menopausal symptoms. Saliva and blood tests show no change in progesterone levels in the body.

Wild Yam is probably the most widely used herbal tonic for women’s health. It is widely used as a breast enlarger and a sexual stimulant and is recommended by herbalist Susan Weed author of “Breast Cancer? Breast Health!” for healthy breast tissue. Wild Yam has long been used for it’s benefits in women’s reproductive health, including premenstrual syndrome and menopausal problems. It can be taken in capsules or in tea (though there are mixed opinions on the flavor). The powder can be added to creams or vaginal ointments, and can be added to your lotion for breast massage. The phyto-nutrients in wild yam are a good compliment to the nutrients in fenugreek for stimulating breast size increases.

Chaste tree berry

Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-catus) is a small brown berry fruit of the chaste tree which is about the size of peppercorns and smells like peppermint. Chasteberry has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries for its health benefits. In its ripe form, the fruit is used in the preparation of herbal liquids and powdered extracts. The fruit is also known as vitex, monk’s pepper, or monk’s berry as it was used by ancient Romans to curb the sexual urges in monks.

Chaste tree berry from ancient times into the 19th century, Europeans believed (incorrectly) that the small, dark, peppercorn-like fruits of this shrub suppressed women’s libido, hence the name. Chaste tree was first associated with women’s breast by the ancient Greek physician, Dioscorides, who recognized its effect on the female reproductive system, notably the herb’s ability to increase milk production in nursing mothers.

Modern research has shown that chaste tree affects the pituitary gland, increasing production of luteinizing hormone and decreasing secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone. These changes, in turn, affect the balance of women’s sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone, reducing estrogen level and increasing the level of progesterone. These changes don’t enlarge breasts, but they help treat premenstrual syndrome. In fact, chaste tree has become THE herb for PMS.

The herb Vitex agnus-castus, also known as monk’s pepper or Chasteberry, is the fruit of the chaste tree. According to the American Family Physician, due to the effects chasteberry has on various hormones, particularly progesterone and prolactin, it has been used for centuries to treat many different hormone-related gynecologic conditions. Vitex agnus-castus may be helpful for some health conditions, but consult a doctor before starting any supplement program.

Women who suffer with premenstrual syndrome, commonly called PMS, experience a number of symptoms, both emotional and physical, every month from two to 14 days before their menstrual cycle. Typical symptoms include headaches, depression, stomach cramps, breast tenderness and mood swings. According to the University of Maryland, PMS may be due to high levels of estrogen or a deficiency in progesterone.

In a study published in a 2000 issue of the “Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics,” researchers found Vitex agnus-castus helped to improve the symptoms of PMS. The University of Maryland recommends 400 mg of a standardized extract of Vitex agnus-castus daily before breakfast to help PMS. Women who suffer with PMS should consult a doctor before taking any Vitex agnus- castus supplements.

A German company has used Chasteberry extract in the manufacturing of a medication for Mastalgia – sore breasts or breast tenderness associated with PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) and menopause. It is believed that Chasteberry extract may help stop the release of a hormone prolactin from the pituitary gland. High levels of Prolactin hormone may stimulate milk production in pregnant and lactating women causing breast tenderness and may also cause irregular menstrual cycles and missed periods. Therefore, taking one 300mg Chasteberry extract capsule daily can be beneficial to reduce breast tenderness.

Chasteberry is often used by herbalists to regulate hormone imbalances in women and lower the testosterone levels in men. It is known for its effectiveness in the treatment of menstrual disorders, PMS, menopausal symptoms such as breast tenderness, hot flashes and mood swings, infertility and decreased milk production in lactating women. Due to its anti-androgen activity, Chasteberry has been used as a natural supplement to lower testosterone levels in transgenders (in male to female), and to suppress the onset of prostate cancer which is also associated with high testosterone levels. Its anti-androgen activity may also help clear up acne, reduce Hirsutism (excessive hair growth) in women.

Black Cohosh

Since it is believed to help with postmenopausal symptoms, and raise low estrogen values, it is supposedly able to have breast-enlarging properties. However, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it is said that Black Cohosh may have negative effects on liver when taken in a larger amount. It is rarely established that the herb has adverse effect in most people.

If you notice abdominal pain, dark urine, and jaundice from taking Black Cohosh, discontinue the use immediately. It is a bit tricky to pinpoint what is too much as the needed dosage varies from person to person. Generally, you do not want to exceed 80 milligrams per day. More importantly, you do not want to take the herb with alcohol.

Back Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) owes its medicinal action to several compounds in its root (aceteine, formononetin, and triterpenes). In the 1940’s, German scientists discovered that these compounds act like estrogen. By the 1950s, a commercial extract of black cohosh, Remifemin, was used widely in Germany as a treatment for PMS, menstrual cramps, and hot flashes of menopause. Reminfemin is now available in the U.S.

But recent research shows that it’s not truly estrogenic. Black cohosh suppresses secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) secreted by the pituitary gland. LH is involved in the menstrual cycle, menopause, and female reproduction, so black cohosh has effects that appear estrogenic, but it’s action is different, so it can be used by women who can’t take estrogen. These days, black cohosh is not widely touted for breast enhancement.

Black Cohosh has been used by Native Americans for more than two hundred years, after they discovered the root of the plant helped relieve menstrual cramps and symptoms of menopause. These days it is still used for menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes/flushes, irritability, mood swings and sleep disturbances. It is also used for PMS, menstrual irregularities, uterine spasms and has been indicated for reducing inflammation associated with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and neuralgia.

Herbal researcher Dr. James Duke has this to say about Black Cohosh; “Black cohosh really should be better known in this country, especially with our aging population and the millions of women who are now facing menopause. Recognized for its mild sedative and anti-inflammatory activity, black cohosh can help with hot flashes and other symptoms associated with that dramatic change of life called menopause. It’s also reported to have some estrogenic activity. Herbalist Steven Foster refers to a study that compared the effects of conventional estrogen replacement therapy with black cohosh. That study looked at 60 women, younger than 40 years old, who had had complete hysterectomies and were experiencing abrupt menopause. In all groups, treatment with black cohosh compared favorably with conventional treatment.”

“Native Americans used the roots and rhizomes of this member of the buttercup family to treat kidney ailments, malaria, rheumatism, and sore throats. Early American settlers turned to it for bronchitis, dropsy, fever, hysteria and nervous disorders, lumbago, rattlesnake bites, and yellow fever. It’s also reportedly well known for easing PMS and menstrual irregularities.”

This estrogenic activity, notes Dr. Duke, can contribute to a ‘mastogenic’ effect; the natural enlargement of the breasts. Black Cohosh has also been used to induce labour and should not be used during pregnancy.

A dozen studies or more conducted throughout the 1980s and 1990s confirm that the long-standing use of black cohosh for menopausal symptoms has scientific validity. For example, in a German study involving 629 women, black cohosh improved physical and psychological menopausal symptoms in more than 80% of the participants within four weeks. In a second study, 60 menopausal women were given black cohosh extract, conjugated estrogens, or diazepam (a leading anti-anxiety medication) for three months. Those who received black cohosh reported feeling significantly less depressed and anxious than those who received either estrogens or diazepam. In another study, 80 menopausal women were treated for 12 weeks with black cohosh extract, conjugated estrogens, or placebo. Black cohosh improved anxiety, menopause and vaginal symptoms. In addition, the number of hot flashes dropped from 5 to less than 1 average daily occurrences in the black cohosh group compared to those taking estrogen in whom hot flashes dropped from 5 to 3.5 daily occurrences.

Given these examples, and results of other studies, some experts have concluded that black cohosh may be a safe and effective alternative to estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) for women who cannot or will not take ERT for menopause.

Preliminary studies also suggest that black cohosh may help reduce inflammation associated osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In a review of scientific studies, researchers concluded that a combination of black cohosh, willow bark (Salix spp.), sarsaparilla (Smilax spp.), guaiacum (Guaiacum officinale) resin, and poplar bark (Populus tremuloides) may help relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis.


Herbalists believe that fenugreek can help increase breast dimension as well as make them firm. Being a phytoestrogenic herb, fenugreek stimulates the breast-enlarging hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Additionally, it can help increase milk production in nursing mothers.

Mix one-fourth cup of fenugreek powder with a little water to make a paste. Apply the paste on the breasts and massage gently. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with water. Follow this remedy twice daily for best results. Another option is to daily masage your breasts with fenugreek oil, or a mixture of one part fenugreek extract and two parts body lotion. You can also include fenugreek sprouts in your diet or take fenugreek in the form of pills three times a day after consulting your doctor.

Most women that want to make their breast bigger know that fenugreek can possibly help them. However, they still want to know how does fenugreek increase breast size. A woman’s breast will grow at different times in their life, which includes right before birth, during puberty, and while they are giving birth to a child. Some women might also experience some development in their breast size while they’re going through menstruation and when they reach menopause.

The fetal development is when your breasts will start to form. The mammary ridge or milk line in your breasts will begin to thicken. The first to develop are the small lobes of breast tissue. The next area in your breast to develop are mammary glands, which are made up of up to 24 lobes. These lobes in your mammary glands will begin to develop due to hormones that will start to stimulate it during puberty. Your mammary glands will start to shrink by the time you reach thirty five years old.

When you reach your adolescent years you are supposed to start noticing your breasts are growing in size. Fat inside the connective tissue starts to build up making the breasts get bigger once the ovaries begin to secrete estrogen. Fenugreek is a herbal plant from India and the Mediterranean area. The seeds derived from this plant has been known to help with a variety of different health problems, especially when it comes to women’s health. If you wanted to know does fenugreek increase breast size the answer is yes.

The way fenugreek helps with breast development is by stimulating your mammary gland, which will help your breast tissue to grow and expand. It’s the phyto-estrogen naturally found in fenugreek that will help increase the level of prolactin (female estrogen) in your body.

You can use fenugreek for breast enlargement in a number of ways. The most common way to use fenugreek to increase breast size is to take herbal capsules. Fenugreek capsules can be found in pretty much any healthy food stores. Take at least 1 capsule each day and then increase the dosage as time goes on.

You can also use fenugreek to make your breast bigger by using it in its liquid herbal extract form. Head to your local health food store and then apply the herbal oil on your breasts as you massage it in. Apply the fenugreek extract by doing a circular motion with your hands around your nipples.

The extract will get absorbed by your body, while the circular motion of the massage will help to increase the amount of blood circulation in the breasts. Getting more blood flow is also a very important factor when it comes to breast enlargement. Keep in mind you’ll need to perform this massage technique a few times daily for about 4 months to experience 1 to 2 cup increase.

If you ever wondered does fenugreek increase breast size the answer is yes. However, when you take the fenugreek herbal supplement if you don’t see any improvement within a 6 month period it might be wise to discontinue taking them. Your body isn’t meant to keep such a high level of estrogen because it might cause cancer or other complications.

Fenugreek has a long history as a breast enlarger and contains diosgenin which is used to make synthetic estrogen. It has been found to promote the growth of new breast cells and increase the size and fullness of the breasts. Of all the herbs used for breast enlargement fenugreek has the highest concentrations of the effective plant compounds. Diosgenin, a steroid sapogenin is the starting compound for over 60% of the total steroid production by the pharmaceutical industry. Other sapogenins found in fenugreek seed include yamogenin, gitogenin, tigogenin, and neotigogens.

While Fenugreek is considered the finest herb for enhancing feminine beauty it also aids in sexual stimulation, balances blood sugar levels, and contains choline which aids the thinking process. Fenugreek has been the focus of several studies concerning the treatment of diabetes and the prevention of breast cancer. Its ability to balance hormone levels aids in treating PMS and menopause. Its antioxidants slow ageing and help prevent disease.

The plant has also been employed against bronchitis, fevers, sore throats, wounds swollen glands, skin irritations, diabetes, ulcers, and in the treatment of cancer. Fenugreek has been used to promote lactation and as an aphrodisiac.

Fenugreek contains an amino acid called 4-hydroxyisoleucine, which appears to increase the body’s production of insulin when blood sugar levels are high.

Higher insulin production may decrease the amounts of sugar that stay in the blood for many individuals. In some studies of animals and humans with both diabetes and high cholesterol levels, fenugreek lowered cholesterol levels as well as blood sugar levels.

However, no blood-sugar lowering effect was seen in non-diabetic animals. Similarly individuals with normal cholesterol levels showed no significant reductions in cholesterol while taking fenugreek.

Fenugreek contains an amino acid called 4-hydroxyisoleucine, which appears to increase the body’s production of insulin when blood sugar levels are high. Higher insulin production may decrease the amounts of sugar that stay in the blood for many individuals. In some studies of animals and humans with both diabetes and high cholesterol levels, fenugreek lowered cholesterol levels as well as blood sugar levels.

Some evidence suggests that fenugreek may also have other medical uses. It may reduce the amounts of calcium oxalate in the kidneys. Calcium oxalate often contributes to kidney stones. In animal studies, fenugreek also appeared to lessen the chance of developing colon cancer by blocking the action of certain enzymes. Topically, the gelatinous texture of fenugreek seed may have some benefit for soothing skin that is irritated by eczema or other conditions. It has also been applied as a warm poultice to relieve muscle aches and gout pain.

Fenugreek includes “saponins” which often reduce the assimilation of the awful cholesterol. In the human body, soaked up Fenugreek substances develop a fiber nearly the same as mucilage, supplying a priceless “stickiness.” The Fenugreek vegetation can provide achievable advantages in blood sugar levels and the entire body weight reducing. Fenugreek intake tends to increase breasts size and milk generation generally for the nursing mothers.

Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds can also stimulate breast growth in regards to dimension. These seeds contain a high level of flavonoids that increase the estrogen level in the body and promote the growth of breast tissue. Plus, nursing mothers can take fennel seeds to increase breast milk production.

Heat one tablespoon of cod liver oil with two teaspoons of fennel seeds in a pan. Allow the seeds to turn red. Strain the oil and allow it to cool. Use this oil to massage your breasts gently for five to 10 minutes. Allow it to sit for 30 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Follow this remedy twice daily for one or two months.
You can also drink a cup of fennel tea daily. To make fennel tea, steep one teaspoon of fennel seeds in a cup of hot water for about 10 minutes and then strain it.

Fennel comes from the Umbelliferae family and is a hardy perennial herb. It can grow to a height of 2.1 m and extend more than 45cm. The flowers are yellow and it has soft green feathery foliage, in fact, can easily be confused with dill. Fennel grows naturally in most of Europe and is considered native to the Mediterranean area. It has spread to India and was introduced to America in 1800.

Fennel seeds have antispasmodic and it is believed that promote digestion and help reduce flatulence with indigestion. They can also be chewed to improve breathing. In ancient times, people ate fennel seeds to suppress hunger, taking advantage of its slimming power. The herb is also used for cough due to that the essential oil is an expectorant. Fennel is also considered anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and increases the formation of milk in nursing mothers. It has culinary uses and is a popular vegetable, especially in Italy.

Women’s self-confidence is often tied to the size of their breasts, but not all women are happy with the determined size of their bust. Since one of the properties of fennel seeds is to increase the formation of milk in nursing mothers, they are supposed to be able to help promote the formation of breast and uterine tissue when consumed in adequate doses.

Fennel is rich in flavonoids, and is believed to act on the stimulation of the production of estrogen, thus promoting the increase in the volume of the breasts.

You should drink fennel tea for at least 6-8 weeks to receive greater strength and size in your breasts.

Fennel Tea: To make the fennel seed tea, you can follow this recipe:


Add fennel and cardamom into the boiling water and wait for 4-6 minutes. Add a little sugar as desired. Strain the tea before serving.

Fennel should not be taken if there is a history of hormone-dependent tumors, because its components can foster their development.

Studies also show that fennel may decrease the effectiveness of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin and most likely the other drugs in the same family. So if your health requires these drugs, it is recommended that you avoid taking this herb.

The fennel, and other herbs and foods rich in phytoestrogens, may be useful in natural breast enlargement without having to submit to painful and expensive surgery. However, unless the herbs are combined with appropriate massage techniques are rarely effective. Massage is important because it increases blood flow to the breasts and actually stimulates the release of hormones for breast enlargement.

The following massage technique is an ancient Taoist exercise. This means that has been used and tested by hundreds, possibly thousands of years. All you need is a little time, your hands, and dedication.

Massage your breasts for 20-30 minutes a day. To perform the massage, start by rubbing your hands as quickly as possible to generate heat and energy. Once your hands are warm, place them on your breasts. Rub inwards with your hands and continue around your breasts in a circle. Your right hand will come around to the right and the left hand will come around to the left.

Make a minimum of 100-300 circular rubs in the morning and the same reps before going to bed. Each circular massage should last about 2 seconds. Pause occasionally and rub your hands together to warm them up again. A total of 300 circular repetitions should be done in 10 to 15 minutes.

If you want to use massage oil, try the following mixture, which is said to help increase the bust:

Fennel seeds contain natural hormones that are going to help develop and engorge with liquids breast tissues safely and healthy, these natural hormones are going to mimic the female hormones, without their dangerous side effects. Fennel seeds have got estrogenic effects on the breasts. Fennel seeds are also known to increase the amount of fluids in the breast tissues, these are not only going to add firmness to the breasts, they are also going to increase size dramatically.

Fenugreek seeds have much more prominent effects on breast size and breast tissue development. Indeed fenugreek seeds have been used by women to enhance their breast size dramatically for long time, they are being used in different creams and pills because of their estrogenic effects too.

They contain large amounts of phytoestrogens that are proven to mimic the female hormones while also providing an added protection against dangers diseases such as cancers and heart diseases. Both fenugreek seeds and fennel seeds are amazing for breast enlargement and enhancing the breast firmness and looks, but their effects are not permanent and when stopped, the breasts are soon going to get back to their normal size and shape.

Fenugreek and fennel seeds are not going to have tremendous effects, they are going to increase the bust size by some few millimeters, and if you are doing the proper physical exercises for increasing your breast size, it can reach a centimeter. Nevertheless, they are very safe alternatives to surgery and taking breast augmentation medications, and they also have amazing protective effects on the health, and the side effects are extremely limited.

Since one of the properties of fennel seeds is they increase the formation of milk in nursing mothers, they are supposedly able to help promote the formation of breast and uterine tissue when consume in high doses.

Red Clover

Red clover is made up of four phytoestrogens that are believed to help increase breast size naturally. This herb can also make your breasts firm.

Red clover is considered to be one of the richest sources of isoflavones, which are water-soluble chemicals that act like estrogens (known collectively as phytoestrogens). Red Clover is therefore used for hot flashes/flushes, PMS, breast enhancement and breast health as well as lowering cholesterol, improving urine production and improving circulation of the blood, to help prevent osteoporosis, reduce the possibility of blood clots and arterial plaques and limiting the development of benign prostate hyperplasia.

Red clover is also a source of many valuable nutrients including calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C.

Several studies of a proprietary extract of red clover isoflavones suggest that it may significantly reduce hot flashes in menopausal women. Also, menopause increases a woman’s risk for developing osteoporosis (significant bone loss) and some studies suggest that a proprietary extract of red clover isoflavones may slow bone loss and even boost bone mineral density in pre and peri-menopausal women. The estrogen-like effect of red clover isoflavones may be involved, and red clover also may have a direct effect by preventing the breakdown of existing bone.

However, this possible bone-strengthening effect has not been seen in men and post-menopausal women.

Because it contains chemicals called isoflavones, which belong to a larger class of plant chemicals known as phyto (plant-derived) estrogens, red clover is often taken to relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Isoflavones are similar in shape to the female hormone, estrogen. Therefore, they may attach to estrogen receptors throughout the body particularly in the bladder, blood vessels, bones, and heart.

For women with normal estrogen levels, red clover isoflavones may displace some natural estrogens, possibly preventing or relieving estrogen-related symptoms, such as breast pain, that are associated with PMS. This effect may also reduce the possibility of developing estrogen-dependent cancer of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus). In addition, results from a review of nearly 1000 women suggest that red clover may interfere with an enzyme known to promote the progression of endometrial cancer.

Red clover may also block enzymes thought to contribute to prostate cancer in men. It has shown a definite limiting effect, however, in the development of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), which is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. An enlarged prostate may cause men to experience a weak or interrupted urine stream, dribbling after urinating, or the urge to urinate even after voiding. For most men, BPH is a normal part of aging.

It is believed that red clover may help to prevent heart disease in several ways. Although results from human studies are not definite, some show that taking red clover may lower the levels of ‘bad’ low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) and raise the levels of ‘good’ high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in the body. In addition, red clover may also promote an increase in the secretion of bile acid. Because cholesterol is a major component of bile acid, increased bile acid production usually means that more cholesterol is used and less cholesterol circulates in the body.

Additionally, red clover contains small amounts of chemicals known as coumarins, which may help keep the blood from becoming thick and gummy. Therefore, the possibility of forming blood clots and arterial plaques may be reduced. Plaques are accumulations of blood cells, fats, and other substances that may build up in blood vessels, possibly reducing or blocking blood flow. Red clover may also help the arteries remain strong and flexible (a quality often called ‘arterial compliance’), which may also help to prevent some of the plaque deposits that may lead to a heart attack or a stroke.

This herb has been said to treat nearly every common disease, but few are aware of its very real ability to give you bigger breasts. Red clover is an excellent source of various phytoestrogens like genistein. This substance is particularly ideal for enhancing your bust because it readily attaches itself to the human oestrogen receptors, which control breast growth.

Recent research by the National Cancer Institute found that red clover contains four phytoestrogens: biochanin-A, formononetin, daidzein, and genistein. Daidzein and genistein actually help prevent the growth of cancerous tumors. Red clover also contains tocopherol, a form of vitamin E that some studies have linked to reduced risk of heart attack and cancer.

Red clover is an active ingredient in a combination formula marketed for treatment of cancer, called the Hoxsey formula. However, it is important to note that the use of herbs for treatment of cancer is highly controversial, and anyone with this or any other serious illness should be under a doctor’s care.

Red clover contains a high concentration of phytoestrogens, which mimic the action of female hormones in the body. One study of cows found that those fed large amounts of red clover had significant size increases in their teats; today red clover is included in some herbal supplements that claim to promote natural breast enlargement.

Although the phytoestrogen effects of soy and flaxseed have been more widely studied, red clover may actually be a more effective treatment for relief of menopausal symptoms. It is an active ingredient in Promensil, an over-the-counter supplement used to help treat hot flashes.

One Australian study found that Promensil helped improve elasticity of the arteries in menopausal women as well, and other studies have also shown that red clover improves the blood flow through the arteries and veins. Thus, red clover may prove helpful in treating high blood pressure and decreased circulation in both cardiovascular and diabetic patients. The estrogen-like effects of red clover have lead some researchers to theorize that it may help treat symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), a condition in which the prostate gland starts growing again in middle age.

Red clover has traditionally been used to treat inflammation and infection, including syphillus, venereal disease, and tuberculosis. Recent laboratory studies have shown that this plant does indeed kill many types of bacteria, including the bacteria that cause tuberculosis.

Fresh red clover is easily identified by its signature three-leaflet leaves, and sweet-smelling pink or purple edible, ball-shaped flowers. You can find this plant growing just about anywhere in the wild, although it doesn’t grow well in sandy or rocky soil. You can also buy red clover seed and plant it in the spring or fall. To make your own red clover tea, simply add 1 tablespoon of dried or fresh clover flowers to a cup of hot water and drink three times a day. Red clover is also available in commercially prepared capsules, liquid extracts, and teas. Follow the dosage instructions on the package.

Red clover has documented phytoestrogenic activity-if you have a condition that prohibits you from taking estrogen supplements, you probably shouldn’t take red clover supplements either. In extremely high amounts, red clover has been linked to miscarriage, certain birth defects, infertility, and growth disorders. Because estrogen has been shown to accelerate the growth of estrogen-dependent breast and gynecological tumors, people with a history of these growths should not take clover. Estrogen also increases the risk of blood clots-smokers, people taking birth control pills, and anyone with a history of heart disease or stroke should not take red clover without doctor approval.

Pueraria Mirifica

A study done at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand found that pueraria mirifica can increase breast size by up to 80 percent. It contains phytoestrogens like deoxymiroestrol, miroestrol and genistein. These phytoestrogens are known to contribute to balancing hormone levels in a woman’s body, which ultimately leads to healthy development of the body as well as the breasts.

You can find pueraria mirifica in the market in topical creams, gels, soaps or in oral capsule and tablet forms. The recommended oral dosage is 250 mg twice daily. For topical products, apply it to the breast area twice daily for three to five minutes until fully absorbed. These treatments should be followed for about three months to achieve the desired result.

Pueraria mirifica has been used in Thailand for medicinal purposes for many years, mainly as a female hormone supplement. Pueraria mirifica is a plant found in the wild in Myanmar and Northeastern Thailand. It is also known as kwao krua. The term pueraria mirifica was coined in 1952. Today, the extract from this plant is used to make supplements.
Women who are looking for an alternative to breast augmentation often turn to pueraria mirifica. One study has suggested that 70 percent of women who use pueraria mirifica notice an increase in their breast size. Not only does it increase breast size, but it can also reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Menopause causes a variety of unpleasant symptoms, including hot flashes and night sweats. There was a study done in Thailand where a group of women were given a pueraria mirifica supplement for one month. At the end of the study, the subjects noticed a significant decrease in night sweats and hot flashes. In fact, many of the women started to notice an improvement within one week. Pueraria mirifica contains a compound called miroestrol. Researchers believe that this is the active constituent for alleviating menopausal symptoms.

Pueraria mirifica has been shown to increase sex drive. It can also increase vaginal moisture.

Osteoporosis is another condition that is extremely common in post-menopausal women. This condition causes the bones to become weak and brittle, which makes them more prone to breaking. Pueraria mirifica has been shown to improve skeletal health, which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Researchers believe that the phytoestrogens in pueraria mirifica are helping fight osteoporosis. Taking Pueraria with calcium, as is recommended to aid absorption, would further help combat osteoporosis.

Pueraria mirifica is a great choice for people who want to naturally fight aging. This supplement contains flavonoids and miroestrol compounds, which have all been shown to be effective for fighting aging. A reduction in gray hair and cellulite, increased energy, improved memory and improve circulation are some of the benefits that people have reported after taking pueraria mirifica.

Pueraria mirifica helps hydrate the skin and boost collagen production. This gives you a healthier, more youthful-looking complexion. It also helps protect against wrinkles. There was a study published in the Journal of Fertility and Sterility in 2005. One group of women was asked to take an estrogen supplement while the other group was given a placebo. The results of the study showed that the women who took the estrogen supplement had fewer wrinkles than the group who took the placebo. As discussed, researchers believe that human estrogen and phytoestrogens have similar effects on the body.

Pueraria mirifica can be effective for reducing appetite, which can help you reach your goal weight.

Breast Enlargement will be in good efficiency if one has calcium supplied from foods and has good exercise for her chest. So drinking a lot of milk while applying Kraw Krua is recommended. From the result of research,it also found that the intake of Pueraria herbal term of fine powder is the best way for active ingredient to beabsor bed into the body. It should intake in less amount of product.

Development of the mammary tissues and helps enlarge the breasts by lengthening and branching the ducts that connect to the nipple. It also increases the fatty tissue and ligaments around the breasts that provide support and shape. As these ducts branch out from the nipple into the interior of the breast, ending in clusters of the lobules, resulting in fuller and firmer breasts. Moreover, Cream helps maintain the collagen and stimulates developing new cells in skin, which improves the breast skin and maintains a natural look.

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