Bianca Burke: Striking for Higher Goals
Twenty-two years of age, a leading Fitness model and
Bikini Competitor, winner of second Place at the fitness competition, the Natural Buckeye Classic and working as a Qualitative Data Researcher- well, its no other than Bianca Burke.
Experts from her Interview with
womenfitness.net, in her own words.
According to Bianca,
exercising right and
eating healthy helped her in
maintaining the figure she had, but she
was looking for a bigger change. One
that would require increasing the
intensity of her workouts and fine
tuned nutrition plan. Initially, healthy
eating to her was 3 square
meals a day with foods from the 4
food groups, 8 glasses of water daily,
30 minutes of
lifting everyday. As far as the
correct form of weight lifting or the
best type of cardio, she hadn't the
slightest idea. It took a hernia
surgery, constant muscle cramping,
soreness and fatigue to really push
her into educating herself about how to
build a healthy body and
mind. She decided to enlist the help
of a teacher, or personal trainer, to
show her what it takes to get the
desired body.
In April of
2010, It took about 5 months of
correct nutrition and
water consumption to develop the
physique she had envisioned from
pictures she viewed from
Now she follows a clean, stripped down
diet low in
sodium and
sugar mixed with healthy
fats. Lots of lean
protein, veggies and whole grains
like brown rice. She exercises 5 days a
week-5 days of weightlifting and 3 days
of cardio.
According to Bianca "It is certainly difficult trying to
balance a work life with school,
family and staying healthy. I have
struggled with this myself! The key is
to make yourself a schedule and stick to
it. Anytime you feel you have 'free
time' you should probably be working at
something-studying a couple minutes for
an upcoming exam, going over the report
you are about to turn in to work. I
really try to use every moment of time I
have productively. I feel
whenever I am bored, nothing is getting
done which leads to me getting behind in
my work.
As a figure competitor in the natural
bodybuilding field, I support natural
supplementation to the fullest!
Chemicals and synthetics can only cause
damage to our bodies whether right away
or later on in the future. Fitness is
about prolonging life and if you take
care of your body with natural products,
it will yield the healthiest results."
Talking about models, she admires,
this is what she has to say "When my
focus was on figure training, I really
admired Jamie Eason and Ava
Cowan. Jamie is a picture perfect
example of how beautifully artistic and
feminine a woman can be with muscles.
She is such a down to earth person that
it makes you feel like she's the girl
next door; it's like she's you. Ava
Cowan I admire because she is another
very muscular woman who is very feminine
well. A lot of times it can be difficult
to be a girl with muscle definition and
still keep your feminine charm. I feel
that she exemplifies this aspect very
Women Fitness "I like the section on
Yoga very much from
Womenfitness.net. Yoga is an important
exercise to master because it teaches
you how to relax your mind and body
while teaching you to focus your
thoughts. This can be carried over into
your regular fitness routine: when you
feel like giving up during your last 5
min of cardio, go to your calm place,
focus on a positive word to make it
through the rest of the way
successfully. Women Fitness, provides
its readers with an array of different
topics on how to grow not only a healthy
body, but a healthy mind as well. I
think a lot of people in fitness can
overlook one of the most important
muscles in our bodies, the
brain! This is a muscle that needs
just as much attention and nourishment
as the rest of our body for optimum
She adds "What
motivates me is seeing other girls
out there with goals similar to mine who
are looking to promote women in fitness
as something that is feminine."
"Focus and doubt are what
differentiate good and legendary." is
one of Bianca's mantra.
A message for WF readers "In a sea of
compliments, there's always that one
shark that comes along and throws you an
insult. Use your focus to concentrate
on, and remember the good things others
have said and build yourself on that."
- WF Team
Dated 18 October 2011