Ms. Namita Nayyar: You’re a leading actress in both films & television and a super model. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?
Ms. Bar Paly: It is crazy sometimes, I will admit. In the past week I’ve worked in 3 different countries with 3 different time zones. Can you say Jet Lag? LOL! I’m not complaining though, I think in today’s fast paced world everyone is juggling a lot of responsibilities at once — be they work, school, or home related. My advice is simply to try your best.
Sometimes you succeed and sometimes not, and that’s OK. Success is not an overnight thing. Everyday you get a fresh 24 hours to get it right the next time. And remember, there is no shame in asking for help. Try and surround yourself with good people who love and support you and make sure to appreciate them. Oh and try to remember to eat right and get as much sleep as you can so you have enough energy to get it all done and can take advantage of everything life has to offer!
Ms. Namita Nayyar: What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you shall like to share?
Ms. Bar Paly: I try to work out at least 3 times a week. I have a wonderful trainer named Brett Hoebel, who I met while trying to bulk up for my role in Pain & Gain. Yes, you heard right. I was asked to gain 20 lbs for that role! Sorina Luminata, the character I was playing, had a very different lifestyle than I do.
The film’s director, Michael Bay, felt that her physicality should reflect that. Brett taught me to work out with free-weights. As a woman, I always was afraid of weight training, thinking that it would make me look like body builder. The truth is that weight training is an excellent way to get toned up and shape the body. Girls, don’t be afraid of the free-weights!
I would recommend meeting with a trainer first to make sure you do each exercise correctly, and safely. A good trainer will also design a customized workout routine which you can do by yourself, no matter where you are. That’s the beauty of free weights, you don’t actually have to be in the gym with all the machines to work out. You just need a few different sized weights at you house and then presto!
You are out of excuses! When I travel, I take resistance bands with me. They’re light and easy to pack and I can do my same work out routine with them. Finally, for my core strength, I found that a weighted Hula Hoop is a great workout. It burns the tummy fat and is a lot of fun, it’s like being a kid again!
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