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Anastasija Samoilova: Latvian Beach Volleyball Player Shares Insights on Her Fitness Regime and Success Story

Photo Credit: Anna Savkina
Photo Credit: Anna Savkina

Anastasija Samoilova born in Daugavpils, Latvia. She is a Latvian beach volleyball player. She represents Latvia at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo 2020. Kravčenoka and partner Tīna Graudiņa are the first Latvian women’s pair to qualify for the Olympics.

She participated in the 2013 European U18 Beach Volleyball Championship, with Tīna Graudiņa, the 2015 European U20 Beach Volleyball Championship, with Tereze Hrapane, the 2016 European U20 Beach Volleyball Championship, and the 2016 European U22 Beach Volleyball Championships, with Tīna Graudiņa, winning a gold medal.

Later she participated in the 2017 FIVB Beach Volleyball World Tour, as well as in the 2019 European Beach Volleyball Championship, with Tīna Graudiņa, winning a gold medal. Kravčenoka married beach volleyball player Mihails Samoilovs, on September 2, 2022, and has been known as Samoilova since then.

Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with Anastasija Samoilova an exceptionally talented Latvian Beach volleyball player, winner of 2019 European Beach Volleyball Championship Gold Medal, here she talks about her fitness routine, her diet, and her success story.

Photo Credit: Renars Koris

Namita Nayyar:

You were born at Daugavpils, Latvia. Where did you have your early education? You also studied educational management at the University of Latvia. By age of 16 years you participated in the 2013 European U18 Beach Volleyball Championship, with Tīna Graudiņa. This later propelled your career to the height where you have been at the top of the world as a beach volleyball player. Tell us more about your professional journey of exceptional hard work, tenacity, and endurance?

Anastasija Samoilova:

I was born in Daugavpils and studied in Daugavpils, first I finished Daugavpils Secondary school number 3 and later got a bachelor degree in Sport and social science education. Before I started training in volleyball I didn’t like sport at all, I always tried to forget my sport uniform bag at home. I was more an art person, I was singing in a choir, dancing, took theater classes, and went to the art school.

But when I started training in volleyball I fell in love with it. I wasn’t the best from the beginning; all my achievements were the result of hard work. First few years in the summer, when i didn’t have training I was playing with a wall in my garden. I spent a lot of hours just me, ball and wall. From age of 14 I got into youth national team. I think my indoor experience helped a lot for my beach volleyball career. And I was very lucky to have Tina in my team; we were and are the best beach players in Latvia.

Photo Credit: Michael Gomez

Namita Nayyar:

The 2019 European Beach Volleyball Championship was held in Moscow, Russia from 5–11 August 2019 you won the Gold medal. Tell us more about these spectacular achievements in your beach volleyball playing career?

Anastasija Samoilova:

Actually we were not the favorites to win this European championship, I was only 21 and Tina was 20. Before that tournament I told my family that we will try to win gold, they just laughed because we were close to medals at that level. But we did it, it was a surprise for everyone, it was magical. One month after we qualified for Tokyo Olympic Games and we are the first women team from Latvia who did it.

It was unbelievable, incredible, Tina’s was crying, I was super happy. It was our goal, but we didn’t expect to qualify one year before Olympics. I Tokyo also unexpectedly for everyone we got into semifinal, that tournament I had a euphoria, I don’t know how drug addicted feel while using drugs, but I guess I felt something similar. We have many medals in a Beach pro tour.

Photo Credit: Maris Vincelovics

Namita Nayyar:

In the 2016 European U22 Beach Volleyball Championships, with Tīna Graudiņa, you won a gold medal. How does such winning act as a catalyst in your metriotic rise as a world leading beach volleyball player?

Anastasija Samoilova:

To win European championship U22 was very important to start professional career. In 2016 I moved from my home city Daugavpils to Riga to be coached by the best coach in Latvia Aigars Birzuis and to practice with the best girls. I didn’t know will I play with Tina or not, and in August we won U22. It gave me opportunity to be only focused on my studies and beach volleyball that result gave us support from Olympic committee and we had small salary, financial support for competitions and training camp. I didn’t need to work anywhere, just train, play and study. Since then we always proved to be in Olympic committee and get this support. Without it I don’t think I would be able to continue my path.

Photo Credit: personal archive

Namita Nayyar:

What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?

Anastasija Samoilova:

I think it’s always important to move a lot, our ancestors were walking for 12-20 km a day… I do a lot of different kind of training, but I would recommend beach volleyball for everyone because it’s the best sport and it’s also healthy and you get to practice outdoors. As well as going to the gym and focusing on an abs, back and hamstring/glute workouts for a good posture.

Namita Nayyar:

How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.

Anastasija Samoilova:

I do abs every day, abs exercises help me to avoid back pain. I do 100 attempts at least of different kind of exercises, around 20-30 attempts each, until I feel burning.

Photo Credit: Dana Drambarean

Namita Nayyar:

Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?

Anastasija Samoilova:

I eat healthy. I don’t add sugar; I usually don’t drink soft drinks. Just a good balance between carbs, protein and fats. I try to increase protein intake. As I lose a lot of calories I can’t eat only salad (how many people would imagine), I really eat a lot, meat, eggs, porridges, good bread, veggies, fruits, cottage cheese.

Namita Nayyar:

Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.

Anastasija Samoilova:

I absolutely love hard cheeses, cottage cheese, Latvian dark bread, berries, and avocado. Keep to the minimum- cakes, chocolate, fries, soft drinks, syrup.

Photo Credit: Sportland Latvia

Namita Nayyar:

You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your hair care and skincare routine.

Anastasija Samoilova:

I don’t do anything special to my heart, just wash with shampoo 2 times and put a conditioner. Once a year I do hair Botox (sometimes like keratin but more healthy) to get them not so fluffy.

My skincare routine is washing my face with cleanser in the morning and afternoon, putting a face hydration cream, serum. Sometimes in the morning I do a face massage with a guasha stone. I try to go to skin procedures as hydration and cleaning once in 2-3 months, because of sun and sand exposure.

Photo Credit: Jevgenijs Janens

Namita Nayyar:

You must have a Coach who has been a catalyst who helped you pave the way to rise in your career with discipline and a never stopping attitude. Elaborate about his/her influence on your professional life?

Anastasija Samoilova:

I consider myself lucky as in every moment of my career I had best possible coaches in Latvia. I think the biggest impact on my career left Genadijs Samoilova with whom I spent many hours practicing alone as Tina was studying in USA. He is a hard coach, I was crying a lot, but he is a perfectionist that’s why my technic is so good, we worked a lot on technical elements. I got also stronger mentally.

Photo Credit: Latvian Olympic committee

Namita Nayyar:

Five athletic leisure brands you love to wear.

Anastasija Samoilova:

Nike, Oysho, Marella, Zara and Aldo.

Namita Nayyar:

Five travel destinations on your wish list.

Anastasija Samoilova:

Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, South Korea, New Zealand and India

Namita Nayyar:

Quote you live by.

Anastasija Samoilova:

I just want to be happy.

Photo Credit: Maris Vincelovics or Connie

Namita Nayyar:

Tell us about a day in the life of ‘Anastasija Samoilova’.

Anastasija Samoilova:

I am not a long sleeper; wake up at 7:30-8, breakfast, getting ready for practice. 9 -11 practice, after rest, lunch, social media work. 14-16 second practice. After meeting family, friends, some work. Dinner, book or TV series, at going to sleep 22-22:30. I actually do a lot day in the life with me to get insights to the people of athlete’s life, because every day can be different. My life is not only about training and competition, I do a lot of photo-shoots, motivation speeches, social media work.

Namita Nayyar:

During the Covid pandemic. Tell us more about your routine to remain fit in those challenging times?

Anastasija Samoilova:

It wasn’t easy. With no competitions there is less motivation to practice but I had a goal in my mind to prepare for Olympic Games and still. During pandemic I was thinking to finish my career after Tokyo, because everything seemed so hard, especially training so much. Workouts at home get boring very quickly, first months of Covid no ball training at all.

Only later we could practice. I have a lot of equipment now, elastic bands, and small weights. Also it helped a lot that my husband is a pro athlete as well, so we could go outside and play ball. At home I still was doing my physical training program, discovered dancing workouts and evening yoga.

Photo Credit: Jevgenijs Janens

Namita Nayyar:

In sports like beach volleyball how were you able to overcome any physical or sports injury setbacks and what advice can you give to those in a similar situation

Anastasija Samoilova:

Small exercises to prevent injury are so essential and underestimated… also listening to your body, we are strong but sometimes better to think that you have only one body and stop. Also rest is as much important too.

Photo Credit: personal archive

Namita Nayyar:

What do you wish to say about the website and the message for its visitors?

Anastasija Samoilova:

Be active everyday then you also will be strong physically and emotionally, and happy. Physical exercise always can improve your mood.

Namita Nayyar:

Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding beach volleyball girls, who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of playing Beach volleyball?

Anastasija Samoilova:

Always set up high goals to yourself, we are much much stronger than we think. Even if you don’t reach your goal you can achieve thighs you had never dreamed of.

Photo Credit: Maris Vincelovics or Connie

Namita Nayyar:

You have an Instagram following of 65.4k followers. A message for your ardent admirers.

Anastasija Samoilova:

Thanks for following me, I try my best to post best content about beach volleyball and my life, your likes, comments and shares help me to become more visible and get more support from sponsors which is very important to persuade my career. Don’t hesitate to text me and try to always answer!

Anastasija Samoilova Social Media Presence


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