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50, Free, and Fantastic: Overcoming Challenges to Embrace Your Best Life Yet!

By Linzi Martinez CPT, INHC, BA

As a celebrity personal trainer and integrative nutritional health coach specializing in women over 50, I’ve had the privilege of helping thousands of women achieve goals they once thought impossible. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by women in this age group, I am excited to share valuable insights on how to address common issues like dropping metabolism, “southern booty” (booty sagging), saddlebags, loose back of arms (triceps sagging), bone density loss, sagging skin, knee pain, joint stiffness, back pain, and more.

50, Fantastic, and Free:

As the theme of my TV show The Prime Time-Life Begins at 50 (aired on NBC) so beautifully captures; this is the stage of life where we have incredible opportunities to become everything we have ever wanted to be! We have raised our children, lived our lives beautifully for everyone else, and now it is our turn. We enter the second half of life with gifts that only come at this stage—knowing who we are, what we like, and having more freedom and confidence to reinvent ourselves and thrive with new experiences and passions.

Yet, this stage also brings changes that may not always be welcome. But there is no need to settle for mediocrity. We can move past these challenges triumphantly by taking care of ourselves at the foundational level—through exercises designed to combat these issues and a diet that helps us thrive! So, let’s get on with enjoying this very special, beautiful, and exciting time of life!

Understanding the Changes:

As we age, our hormones decline—estrogen, testosterone, and human growth hormone (HGH) levels fall rapidly. These changes alter our body composition by making our muscles less dense, thus lowering our metabolism, softening our muscles, and increasing body fat while reducing muscle mass. You may find that what worked for you in your 20s, 30s, and even 40s no longer yields the same results, no matter how much you increase your workouts or diet. The reason is simple: your body has changed internally.

In addition, our bodies may lack essential nutrients that are crucial for liver function, reducing cortisol levels, and maintaining gut health for regularity and immunity. Nutrient deficiencies can exacerbate these changes, making it even more challenging to achieve and maintain a healthy body. This can be incredibly frustrating, but there is an answer, and it works beautifully! By adjusting your routine to match your new body, you can achieve insane results.

#1- Dropping Metabolism:

Why it Happens: With age, muscle mass naturally declines, which in turn slows down the metabolism. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, so the loss of muscle mass means fewer calories are burned at rest. Additionally, thyroid function may decrease, further slowing metabolism. The good news is that you can take steps to boost your metabolism. One of the best ways to do this is by targeting the largest muscle groups in your body—your quads and glutes. These muscles play a significant role in your metabolism because they require the most energy to function.


YOU GOT THIS! A dropping metabolism can be discouraging, especially when you are putting in the effort but not seeing results. It might feel like your body is working against you. However, by incorporating HIIT and strength training into your routine, along with adjusting your diet, you can boost your metabolism and see significant improvements!

#2- Southern Booty (Booty Sagging):

Why it Happens: As we age, the muscles in our glutes can lose their firmness and tone, leading to what some affectionately call the “southern booty.” This sagging effect is due to a decrease in muscle mass and skin elasticity. But there is no need to accept this change—there are exercises that can help your booty “head north” again!


YOU GOT THIS! Booty sagging can be a source of concern as it affects the way you feel in your clothes and your overall confidence. But with targeted exercises and the right diet, you can lift and firm your glutes, making your booty “head north” once again!

#3- Saddlebags:

Why it Happens: Hormonal changes during menopause lead to a decrease in estrogen, causing fat to be redistributed more towards the hips and thighs. This shift, combined with a decrease in muscle mass, makes it harder to shed fat in these areas. But do not worry, because you have the power to combat this change effectively!


YOU GOT THIS! Many women feel frustrated and disheartened when they see persistent fat around their hips and thighs despite their efforts. It can be disheartening to look in the mirror and not see the results you want. But there is more than hope! By incorporating targeted exercises and making dietary adjustments, you can reduce saddlebags and regain confidence in your appearance!

#4- Loose Arms (Triceps ‘BATWINGS” Sagging):

Why it Happens: As we age, the skin and muscle in the upper arms, particularly the triceps, tend to sag due to a loss of muscle mass and skin elasticity. This can result in what some call “bat wings” or sagging triceps. But don’t worry, you can tone and tighten your arms with the right exercises.


YOU GOT THIS! Sagging arms can be a source of self-consciousness, especially when wearing sleeveless clothing. It is common to feel discouraged, but there’s hope! With consistent exercise and a protein-rich diet, you can tone your arms and feel more confident in your appearance.

#5- Belly Fat:

Why it Happens: With declining estrogen levels, the body tends to store more fat around the abdomen. This is also due to a slowing metabolism and changes in insulin sensitivity. Additionally, as HGH (Human Growth Hormone) levels decrease rapidly after 50, cortisol levels can rise unchecked. Cortisol is a stress hormone that contributes to belly fat, and when HGH, which acts as a gatekeeper to cortisol, declines, it’s crucial to manage cortisol levels to prevent belly fat accumulation. This is the most common complaint amongst my clients over 50. So, let’s dive in a little deeper!


YOU GOT THIS! Belly fat can be particularly frustrating as it affects the way clothes fit and how you feel about your body. It is easy to feel disheartened when you do not see the flat stomach you desire. However, by incorporating targeted core exercises, managing stress, and making dietary adjustments, you can reduce belly fat, helping you feel more confident and comfortable in your skin! You deserve it!

#6- Bone Density Loss:

Why it Happens: Bone density naturally decreases with age, particularly after menopause due to the decline in estrogen levels. This can lead to conditions like osteoporosis, where bones become weak and brittle, increasing the risk of fractures. However, you can take steps to strengthen your bones and maintain a healthy skeletal structure.


YOU GOT THIS! Bone density loss can be a silent issue, often not noticed until a fracture occurs. It can be worrisome to think about the fragility of your bones. However, by incorporating weight-bearing exercises and ensuring a nutrient-rich diet, you can strengthen your bones and maintain a robust and healthy skeletal structure for life!

#7- Sagging Skin

Why it Happens: Reduced collagen and elastin production, along with loss of subcutaneous fat, contribute to sagging skin. Collagen and elastin are proteins that provide structure and elasticity to the skin. As we age, their production decreases, leading to less firm and more saggy skin. But do not worry, because you can enhance your skin’s appearance with the right exercises and nutrition!


YOU GOT THIS! Sagging skin can impact your confidence and make you feel older than you are. It is normal to feel upset when your skin loses its firmness. But there is good news! Through resistance and metabolic training and a nutrient-rich diet, you can improve your skin tone and feel more youthful and vibrant.

#8- Knee Pain, Joint Stiffness, and Back Pain

Why it Happens: Joint, knee, and back pain are common as we age due to the natural wear and tear on our joints, reduced cartilage, and degenerative changes in the spine. These issues can limit your ability to perform more intense exercises, but that does not mean you have to be inactive. Walking is an excellent place to start for maintaining physical health and managing pain.


YOU GOT THIS! Knee, joint, and back pain can be debilitating and frustrating, making it difficult to enjoy activities you once loved. It is easy to feel discouraged when pain limits your mobility. However, by incorporating walking, stretching, and anti-inflammatory foods into your routine, you can reduce pain and regain a sense of freedom and joy in movement.

Importance of Walking for Those Limited in Exercise

For individuals who are limited in their ability to perform more intense exercises, or for those that simply enjoy it, walking can be a highly beneficial and accessible form of physical activity. Walking offers numerous health benefits that contribute to overall well-being.

AMAZING Benefits of Daily Walking:

The Importance of Water:

Why it Matters: Water is essential for every function in your body, and its importance only grows as you age. Staying hydrated is critical for maintaining joint health, skin elasticity, and overall wellness, especially as you deal with issues like a dropping metabolism, joint stiffness, and sagging skin.

Benefits of Staying Hydrated:

How Much Water Do You Need?

YOU GOT THIS! Staying hydrated is one of the simplest yet most powerful things you can do for your health. By making water a priority, you can support your body’s natural functions, improve your skin’s appearance, and feel more energized throughout the day!

As someone who specializes in empowering women over 50+, I have seen firsthand the incredible transformations that are possible with the right guidance. I am also one of you, 56 years old – I understand! Whether it is through targeted exercises, nutritional changes, or holistic approaches, every woman has the potential to reclaim her health and vitality.

Remember, the journey to better health is not about drastic changes but about consistent, mindful steps. Embrace these strategies, build your workout based on your wants and needs and you will be well on your way to feeling stronger, healthier, and more confident than ever before just in time to take advantage of this beautiful and exciting time of life!

About the Author:

Linzi Martinez is an award-winning producer of health and wellness documentaries, a host, celebrity personal trainer, integrative nutritional health coach and author of “Recipes for Instant Weight Loss – Healthy alternatives to your favorite foods”. She hosts courses called The Academy for Women over 50 to feel and look their best. With a rich history and complete passion for helping thousands of women over 50+ feel and look ridiculously alive, Linzi is a leading authority in the field of women’s wellness. Her expertise has been featured on NBC, ESPN, ABC, The Discovery Channel, and more.

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