The word Stress is used to describe both external events that make demand
on us and the internal responses they trigger. In fact, stress is the body's
general response to any demand made on it, regardless of whether that demand
is pleasant or unpleasant, or whether it is emotional or physical.
�� All of us need some amount of challenge in our daily life to keep ourselves
stimulated and lead our lives to the fullest. Damaging stress occurs when
challenges becoming impossible to cope with the effect of excessive stress
can manifest itself in a variety of ways; it can cause potentially harmful
changes in the behavior and undermine both physical and mental health.
��� The way in which damaging stress manifests itself in the body varies
from one individual to another. Besides one of the importance aspect of dealing
with stress is knowing the way in which your body responds to the challenges
that are too severe. These reactions are automatic and subconscious and might
range from being irritable�� to� overeating, breaking out in lives, developing
a migraine headache or having heartburn. However once you understand stresses
operating in your life, you can begin to cope with them. Slowly you will
realize with practice that it is possible to control� stress-related symptoms
in a varied number of weeks.
��� When our body is subjected to stress over a long period of time, it
remains in a prolonged state of preparedness for flight or fight. Blood pressure
is permanently raised, continuing muscle tension leads to digestive problem,
pains and aches and the body's resistance to disease remains suppressed.
Stress is nothing new, but the 20th century has produced many
changes that have increased the amount of stress people experience.
Any changes that upsets your accustomed pattern of life
can cause stress.
Advances in technology have increased the pressure on
everyone. In the age of speed and instantaneous world wide communication,
there is greater need of quick responses that in the past.
More decision have to be made nowadays. The average
person has a high degree of responsibility and accountability.
You have a wider range of choices at all levels of life,
in work and in leisure.
Overcrowding, noise and pollution have resulted from an
increase in population.
People have come to demand a higher quality of
communication and understanding in all their relationships.
Technology has affected work, leisure, and social
relationships. Human contacts is decreasing as a result.
Do you recognize two or more of the
following in yourself or some one close to you? If so, the problem needs to be
tackled immediately :
Have your eating habits changed?
Has your sleep pattern altered?
Is your digestive system upset?
Have you developed any nervous habits, such as fidgeting or touching your
hair and face repeatedly?
Is your blood pressure raised?
Do you have frequent headaches, cramps, and muscle spasms?
Have you become hyperactive?
Have your sexual performance, drive, and enjoyment deteriorated?
Are you drinking or smoking more?
Has your child reverted to an earlier, outgrown habit, such as bedwetting,
temper tantrums, or thumb sucking?
Do you recognize two or more of the following in yourself
or in someone close to you? If so, stress might be reaching a potentially
dangerous level. Remember, however, that these can also be symptoms of other
problems, such as physical illness.
Have you begun to suffer from a phobia or obsession?
Have you lost self-confidence and sell-esteem?
Do you constantly feel guilty?
Do you dread the future?
Have your memory and concentration deteriorated?
Do you find yourself unable to finish one task properly before having to
rush on to the next?
Do you feel constantly irritable and angry?
Do you fill the day with trivial tasks?
Do you find it hard to make decisions?
Do you often cry or feel like crying?
Does your mind race so that you cannot focus on one task or thought?
When confronted by acute physical or psychological
stress, the brain triggers a chain reaction that prepares the body to fight the
perceived threat or to flee from it. Though essential to survival in
life-threatening situations
and often useful when dealing with challenges such as deadlines at work, the
fight-or-flight response is less appropriate for dealing with more routine
stresses. If triggered often enough, it can lead to serious health problems. These
are some of the effects:
The brain perceives some form of impending danger.
Signals from the brain cause the adrenal glands to produce
fight-or-flight hormones such as adrenaline and nor-adrenaline, which speed
up heart and breathing rates and muscle response.
Kidney function is reduced as less blood is available to the kidneys.
Muscle fibers contract to prepare for sudden movement.
The pupils of the eyes dilate.
The salivary glands stop secreting saliva and the mouth feels dry.
Skin becomes pale as surface blood vessels contract to direct more blood
to muscles.
Sweat production increases in order to counteract overheating.
Heart rate increases to supply more blood to muscles
Blood pressure rises.
Breathing rate increases to supply more oxygen to muscles.
The liver increases its output of sugar and fat to fuel the muscles.
Digestion slows or ceases.
Tightened muscles stop urination and defecation.
��� Women fitness has underlined some of� simple and effective ways of
handling stress:
Live "in the moment":
Stress experts advice that we should start
by learning to live "in the moment" that is being aware of and improving
our state of mind in the present. It has been observed that all feelings
of anxiety are directed at past or future events, but by making the best
of the moment it can help us to feel better mentally, emotionally, as
well as physically.
your breathing patterns: Breathing patterns� are directly
related to the stress response and can both be indicate and� influence�
your emotional state. Emotional stress leads to shallow breathing from
the chest, which makes anxiety worse and reduce your energy level. In
order to ensure correct exchange of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide in the
lungs you need to learn to breathe more deeply - and to use the diaphragm
instead of the chest muscles.
To practice diaphragmatic breathing, lie flat with one hand on your
chest and one on your abdomen. Breathe slowly through your nose, keeping
your mouth closed. As you inhale, allow air to push your� abdomen up so that
your hand rises. Hold in breath for a couple of seconds, and as you exhale
feel your abdomen deflate and your hand falls . Repeat a few times.
Learning to relax: Relaxation helps reduce stress by distracting your
mind from stress provoking thoughts. Besides various relaxation techniques
help to counter effects of 'fight or flight' reaction. There are two
main techniques and both are easily learned. Practice them either lying
down or sitting� a straight backed chair, with your feet flat and your
hands relaxing on your laps. Spend 15 min on each - preferably after
work or just before going to bed.
Progressive Muscular Relaxation (PMR) - close your eyes and direct
your attention to each part of your body in turn. As you do so, tense
the muscle of the area and hold for 5 sec, then release and totally relax
the muscles. Concentrate on the sensation of warmth and heaviness you
will experience for about 10 sec.
Deep Muscular Relaxation (DMR) - Use the same routine as for PMR, but
without tensing. Focus only on relaxing by directing your attention to
each set of muscles in turn, feeling them become weak and heavy.
Meditation: Meditation techniques allow us to achieve a deep state
of calmness and serenity while remaining alert. It also causes the oxygen
requirement, breathing rate, heart rate and blood pressure to drop and
help muscles to relax. There are different techniques including so-called
'Mindfulness' Meditation and Visualization. For example imagine a pleasant,
peaceful scene, such as sunny, deserted beach. Close your eyes and concentrate
on all the color, smell and sounds. Put yourself in the picture in a relaxed
position. Continue Imagining for 10-15 min. If practiced regularly, it
can also lead to a more relaxed general view of life.
balanced diet and regular sleep pattern can play an enormous
part in reducing stress, as well as help in maintaining body fitness.
A number of times aches and pain complained in the neck, shoulder and
back are a result of poor posture and mental tension. Performing some
stretching exercises or regular exercise pattern can help you combat stress.
Check out stretching exercises at WF
Flexibility exercises f or
reliving stress. Similarly a healthy balanced diet based on cereals, fruits and
vegetables can help provide body with all the essential nutrients necessary
for survival. Deficiency of various vitamins and mineral can exhibit
a number of symptoms which might lead to mental and physical stress.
Make sure that you regularly do things just for fun. It might be as simple
as taking a walk in a park, going to movies, or even doing something
you would normally Consider as childish, such as jumping into a pile
of fallen leaves or splashing in puddles.
Laughter is a great� antidote for stress and if you can laugh, those
around your will also feel less stress when they are in your company.
Although no single activity is a guaranteed to remove all stress if you
do nothing, your stress will certainly persist and probably increase.
Self talk
: Watch your children carrying out tasks such as tying
their shoe-laces, you will see that they talk themselves through the
action. Without this chatter, the task is difficult to learn and perform.
Recent studies have suggested that this approach is also useful to adults,
especially when they switch from negative to positive talk.
As you talk to yourself, use the examples given opposite to help
You. Be sure to concentrate on the positive aspects of the problem or
Letting off steam is another good way of relieving stress or tension.
It is best to express your frustration or anger when it occurs, if you
always bottle things up, you are more likely to suffer from physical
illness associated with stress or to explode with pent-up rage. If you
want to yell to let off steam, go somewhere such as a basement or a garden,
where you cannot easily disturb others.
Change of routine : Breaking routine helps to remove the stress that
is bound into your personal rituals. Pick� up a small gift for yourself
or a loved one on the way. And when you arrive, don't always do the same
thing. If you usually sit down in front of the TV with a drink, try
doing 10 min exercise and taking a shower first. Similarly, on weekends
it is just as important to vary your activities as much as you can.
Change your response: One of the best , but most difficult, stress
relieving strategy��� is to change your response to the event around
you. You are the only person who can improve your attitude and performance.
There is no sense in blaming other people or past events for everything
that goes wrong. You might get sympathy, but you will not achieve the
results you want.
Identify the myths and accept the realities of
life: Stress is invariably
the consequence of myths. You are bound to be disappointed if you always
expect life to be just to you. Besides a lot of time will be dealt in seeking
non existent answers if you look for clear cut Solutions to problems. Learn
to identify the� myths and accept realities of life.
First ask yourself what your own 'should' or 'must's' really are and
write them down. Then challenge your own expectations asking yourself. 'Why
do I believe that? Is it possible to live up to this rule? What will happen
if I don't?'
Next revise your rules to make them more reasonable. Use self-talk
methods, nice if others thought well of me. I certainly would feel uncomfortable
if everyone did not like me. But I can accept, that some people may not like
me. Besides which, I like myself and my friends like me, even if other people
do not.
Once your stress-inducing problems have been clearly identified. You
can think out on a wide range of possible solutions, rejecting those that
you know from experience do not work. Focus on the quality of the effort
involved rather than the amount of the solution.
If you regard happiness as coming from� outside, you will waste a
lot of time chasing it, because all the evidence suggest that happiness� comes from within yourself. The same lies true with all other aspects of
your life physical, mental, social and emotional life.