people are well aware of the substantial risks of cancer from tobacco smoke.
But do we also have to worry about acrylamide, a likely carcinogen in foods
that's received a lot of press lately? Or about exposure to nickel,
beryllium, and other industrial compounds?
An estimated 5 to 10 per cent of cancer risk, lower than previously thought,
stems from genetic factors. Those with a strong family history of
cancer can use that knowledge to focus on the particular risk factors to
guard against. It is possible, for example, that some people may be
especially sensitive to low levels of carcinogens in foods, the environment,
and consumer products. And, because a lot of small risks can add up
over a lifetime, it makes sense for everyone to try to avoid as many as
Ovarian cancer is the second most common
reproductive cancer in women after
endometrial cancer. Cancer
when cells undergo a transformation and begin to grow and multiply without
normal controls. As the cells grow and multiply, they form masses called
tumors. Ovarian cancer occurs when a tumor forms in one or both of a woman's
Ovarian tumors are classified on the basis of the type of cell from which
the abnormal growth originated.
A 2002 report issued by the World Health
Organization�s International Agency for Research on Cancer estimates that
one-fifth to one-third of all
breast, colon,
endometrial, kidney and esophageal cancers can be related to
overweight and
In a recent population study published in the New England Journal of Medicine
(April 24, 2003), researchers conclude that overweight and obesity account
for up to 14 percent of all cancer deaths in American men over 50 and 20
percent of all cancer deaths in American women over 50. The researchers
estimated that more than 90,000 deaths from cancer per year could be avoided
if all adults maintained a
body weight throughout life.
Click here to read more.....
Breast Cancer: Looking ahead at Life
�Cancer is a frightening word surrounded by fears and
myths. One of the greatest fears expressed by almost all newly
diagnosed cancer patients is:
`Am I going to die?' Read on....
�Skin cancer, usually results from prolonged exposure to sun. Most
skin cancers are curable, but one form, malignant melanoma, can be
fatal. Read on....

Obesity linked with
higher risk of Cancer