Stomach Bloating or Abdominal Distension

A bloated stomach is often caused by a sudden increase in fiber from vegetables, fruits and beans. If this is the cause of your bloating, you might ease up on these foods and reintroduce them more gradually into your diet. Alternatively, persevere and the bloated feeling should pass within a matter of days.


Top 10 Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Magic Diets don't exist. But because they're rich in fiber, some foods take longer to eat, yet have fewer calories per gram. They may also alter intestinal hormone levels and lead to your feeling less hungry.


Top 10 foods to boost your sex life

A good sex life doesn�t just happen � it requires a little help, which means a balanced and nutrients diet combined with regular moderate exercise and a positive attitude. These are all key elements in helping to keep your sex drive high and your reproductive system in good working order.


Top 10 Chest (Pectoral)- Developing Exercises

The chest is made up of the pectoral muscles - major and minor. The pectoralis major is the bigger of the two covering most of the clavier and sternum and attach to the upper arm. They help in performing various functions at the shoulder like flexion, rotation and adduction towards the body.


Fitness Components: Strength Training

Introducing important information that you should fully understand before proceeding. First we explain the many benefits of participating in a training program and then provide you with invaluable information ranging from �must-know� weightlifting terms to safety precautions that affect previous medical conditions, in order to avoid future  physical complications.


Fitness Components: Strength Training Exercises

Being strong undoubtedly helps one in carrying out day to day activities by building up ones endurance and aid in the aerobic training. There are number of good reasons why women should perform strength training what is important is to go about strength training in a correct way.


Grapefruit and Weightloss

Eating half a grapefruit (or drink 8 ounces of grapefruit juice) may block enzymes involved in fat and carbohydrate storage, and speed up the way our bodies burn fat, resulting in weight loss. The Grapefruit Diet usually lasts about 12 days, but if you want to continue, you must take at least two days off before doing so.


Alopecia in Women

Hair loss in women can be transient (synonyms = temporary/telogen effluvium/non-genetic) or permanent (genetic/androgenetic alopecia). Alopecia, or hair loss, can occur in any body area but is particularly noticeable when it affects the scalp. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent. Alopecia is not always associated with ill health, but it may cause embarrassment.


Top10 Towards Building a Strong Immune System

Our immune systems are being challenged more than ever. The modern lifestyle is, let's just say, not very healthy. We have some of the poorest eating habits on the planet, we're stressed out, and our environmental pollution is growing on a daily basis.


Top 10 Protein Options in a Vegetarian Diet

Protein is needed to help the body build strong muscles, repair tissues and maintain an effective immune and hormonal system. If you have a physically active job or are involved in rigorous sports training, you may need more protein in your daily diet. Excellent sources of protein are dairy products followed by soya products, pulses, grains, nuts, vegetable and fruits.


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