Ms. Namita Nayyar
(M.Sc.) Gold Medallist, Nutrition & Fitness Expert (IFA)
Namita Nayyar, creator of WF, has studied
in-depth about exercise and nutrition, both normal and therapeutic.
President of Women Fitness (WF), she is the author of all five
"on-line books" of complete fitness and has designed the
customized strength training, cardiovascular training and
flexibility training programs for women to assist them in achieving
their health and fitness goals. She has trained many women in this
Namita has a M.Sc. degree in child development . She was awarded a
gold medal by the Governor after an all round performance in the
Institute of Home Science. Here she learned all about nutrition and
relation to human body.
She holds seminar for adolescent girls regularly to educate them to
have a healthy concept towards life and themselves.
Besides her knowledge in exercise science, has helped her to assist
number of women in healthy living. As a lifestyles and weight
management consultant she continues to help number of women to
achieve a healthy living, a life free of diseases, pain and
emotional disturbances.
Dr. (Ms.) Kamlesh Tandon
DGO, MS,FICMCH0, Gynecologist & Obstetrician
Dr. Kamlesh Tandon is a Senior Gynecologist and Obstetrician
running her own Nursing Home.
She earned her MBBS, DGO & MS. She has her own private practice and has treated more than two generation, women to have healthy pregnancy and child birth.
She has been constantly guiding women on importance of healthy
diet and exercise during and after pregnancy. Her patients are all
praises for her.
She is member of : FOGSI / UPCOG, AOGS, AOJAGO, IFUMB

Charlene Bazarian
Charlene Bazarian has a fitness and weight loss success story after losing 96 lbs., who has been featured in Good Housekeeping, Oxygen Magazine, Pop Sugar Fitness, First For Women Magazine, Boston Magazine, Fitfluential, Muscle and Strength, The Sun, Daily Mail, and other publications and is known for mixing a no-nonsense style of fitness advice with humor on her blog at Fbjfit.com.
Dr. Anil Kumar Varshney,
M.S.(Ortho), F.R.C.S,F.I.C.S.
A senior
orthopaedic surgeon has offered his
services in many countries. His services extends to a span of more
than 30 years. He is the Chief Surgeon to a Private Orthopaedic
Hospital. Besides he has a Mechanical Engineering Workshop for the
development of Instruments and Implants.
All WF Members have access to him for consultations and reference 24 hours a day.
Work Experience:
- House Surgeon : Surgery & Ortho, S.N. Medical College Agra One year.
- Demonstrator : Teaching Job at S.N. Medical College Agra Two years.
- Assistant Surgeon at Chest Surgery : University Clinic Vienna Austria for One year.
- Casualty Medical Officer : at County Hospital Haverford west U.K. for One year.
- Senior House Officer : Surgery & Orthopedics, General Hospital, Aderdare U.K. for One year.
- Registrar in Orthopedics : General Hospital Merthyr U.K. for Three months.
- Medical Assistant in Orthopedics: General Hospital Barry U.K. for Three months.
- Registrar in Orthopedics : Royal Infirmary Stoke on Trent U.K., Teaching Hospital for One year.
- Pool Officer in Orthopedics : S.N. Medical College Agra Three years.
- Chief Surgeon : to a Private Orthopedic Hospital having Radiological, Operative and Histopathological facilities, dealing with all sorts of trauma and Orthopedic work. Having two junior Orthopedic Surgeons, Anesthetist and a staff of 12 persons. It is attached to Mechanical Engineering Workshop for development of instruments and implants, since 1976 till date.
Apart from above has done research on host of topics and has innumerable articles published to his credit.
To know more about Dr. Varshney qualifications, academic achievements and career profile

Lara Heimann
Lara Heimann is an international yoga pioneer and Physical Therapist focused on evolving the practice of yoga to empower movement and balance amidst a modern lifestyle of technology and sedentariness. With an advanced degree in physical therapy and more than 25 years of yoga practice and education, Lara is redefining the modern practice through her comprehensive LYT (Lara's Yoga Training) Method, emphasizing smart alignment, functional movement, and spiritual wellness. Sustainable, freeing, and efficient, LYT champions smarter, safer, and more conscious movement patterns and is practiced worldwide through daily online classes at her newest initiative, movementbylara.com. Additionally, Heimann leads teacher training certifications online and in person at her studio, YogaStream, in Princeton, NJ , and hosts international workshops and speaking engagements to speak about consciousness and purposeful movement. Through the holistic connection between body and mind, Lara's methodology is a clear and influential roadmap to ignite the spirit to operate at its highest potential both on the yoga mat and off.