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Female Body Sculpting: A Complete Resource

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 Female Body Sculpting: A Complete ResourceFemale Body Sculpting is a concerted effort on behalf of an individual to seek perfection with regard to her physique. Women who want a sculpted body focus on burning fat and building lean muscle. Healthy dietary practices, cardiovascular exercise and strength training make up a well-rounded female body sculpting program. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio five days a week and at least two days a week of strength training. Many female athletes perform much more than the minimum recommended amount when trying to sculpt their bodies, and 60 to 90 minutes of exercise a day may be necessary, according to the ACSM.

Facts about Body Sculpting

Reduce your caloric intake while trying to shed body fat. Try a moderate caloric reduction of 20 to 25 percent, recommends Tom Venuto, author of "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle." A 25 percent reduction equates to eating about 500 fewer calories a day for most women. This will enable weight loss but provide enough energy to adhere to an exercise regimen.

Features of Body Sculpting

A female body-sculpting diet consists of healthy, whole foods, which are also referred to as clean foods. Focus on foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein sources, according to the Weight-control Information Network. Protein, an important macronutrient in a body-sculpting diet, helps repair and build muscle. Adult females should consume approximately 46g of protein a day, according to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.

Exercise for Body Sculpting

Perform regular aerobic exercise and strength training exercises to burn calories and build lean muscle. Work each large muscle group of the body at least twice a week on nonconsecutive days, according to the American Council on Exercise. Perform eight to 12 repetitions of your chosen exercises, and increase the amount of weight by 5 to 10 percent when an exercise becomes too easy to perform, ACE recommends.

Benefits of Body Sculpting

Decreasing body fat, building muscle and maintaining a healthy body weight provide numerous health benefits in addition to a lean physique. Weight loss can help prevent diabetes, heart disease, some types of cancer and high cholesterol, according to the Weight-control Information Network. Strength training increases muscle and bone strength, reduces the risk of injury, increases metabolism and improves the quality of life, according to ACE.

Considerations for Body Sculpting

 Female Body Sculpting: A Complete ResourceConsistency remains key to losing weight, so stay committed to your body-sculpting diet for long-term benefits. Consider motivation techniques such as working out with a partner, joining a support group or obtaining health coaching to increase weight-loss success. Health coaching may dramatically increase long-term weight loss and help you improve eating habits and physical activity levels, according to Stay Well Health Management.

Body Sculpting with Low Carb Diet

One popular recommendation for weight loss is going "low carb." The range for what exactly constitutes low-carb varies among different individuals, but in general the target range runs between eating fewer than 50-150 grams of carbs per day. Fifty grams of carbs is equal to about one cup of raisin bran cereal or two slices of bread. It's not difficult to hit that target in one meal, or even a snack. To replace your carb-noshing habits, you'd have to include higher amounts of good fats and protein in your diet.

While many people advocate eating a low-carb diet for weight loss, it's not always ideal. Weight loss may come easily at first, but chronically low amounts of carbohydrates could have negative downstream effects in the long run. A woman's delicately balanced hormone system can be disrupted by low carb availability, which could bring about unwanted side effects like loss of bone density and chronic sleep deprivation. On a low-carb diet, some women may experience stopped or irregular periods because the body perceives chronically low energy levels as starvation and stress.

That said, some women can thrive on a low-carb diet. If you want to experiment with low carbohydrates, it's important to monitor your body's response closely.

Body Sculpting considering Your Body Type and Nutrition

The ratio of how many calories you get from proteins, carbs, and fats is important to your body composition. The general macronutrient composition split is 40 percent carbs, 30 percent fat, and 30 percent protein, but that ratio doesn't work for everybody. For a more accurate and personal macronutrient ratio, it's a good idea to figure out your body type.

An individual's body type is more than just physique; it provides crucial information on how your body responds to and processes the macronutrients.

Body types are classified into three categories:


In general, ectomorphs are lean with smaller bone structures and limbs, have a high metabolism, and can tolerate higher amounts of carbohydrates. They look like: long-distance runners. Recommended macronutrients ratio: 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein, 20% fat.


Mesomorphs tend to marry the best of both worlds, offering balanced abilities to gain muscle and stay lean relatively easily. They are of medium sized bone structure and look athletic. They look like: bodybuilders, gymnasts. Recommended macronutrients ratio: 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, 30% fat.


Endormorphs are built to be larger and more powerful. They tend to have larger bone structures for strength. Because of their size, they do better on a higher fat and a lower carbohydrate intake.They look like: powerlifters. Recommended macronutrients ratio: 25% carbohydrates, 35% protein, 40% fat.

People often display mixed characteristics.

Body Sculpting with Portion Control

 Female Body Sculpting: A Complete ResourceCalorie counting is a popular technique to keep track of portion sizes and the amount of calories in them. This meticulous record-keeping of daily food intake certainly has its benefits, but who wants to maintain spreadsheets of their food for the rest of their lives?

Calorie counting should not be a life-long endeavor. It just doesn't effectively work in the long term. Studies show that calorie counting is prone to inaccuracy by upward of 25 percent�even if you triple-check your calculations and sources! The discrepancy arises from measurement errors on food labels, serving sizes and measurements which are impossible to reproduce consistently, different food quality, and a whole lot of guesswork.

A more manageable way to track your eating habits is to identify reasonable portion sizes. Most restaurants in America shove heaping piles of food in your face to appeal to your economical compass. More food means more value for your money, right? Getting more Bang Bang Chicken and Shrimp for your buck merely means you pay for it elsewhere, like your waistline. And it's not just at restaurants. People pile their plates high with Grandma's spaghetti even when they're at home.

Studies have shown that when given enormous food portions, people will override their internal satiety systems and gobble up every last morsel long after they "feel" full�and not really realize they're doing it.

Eating until you feel "full" is not always the best way to determine your portion sizes. Instead, we recommend using the most convenient and personalized measurement tool at your disposal: your hands

  • Use your palm to determine your protein intake

  • Use your balled fist to determine your vegetables

  • Use your cupped hand to determine your carbs

  • Use your thumb to determine your fat


Assuming you eat approximately four meals per day, here's the portion recommendation at each meal:

For Ectomorphs


  • 2 cupped hands of carbs

  • 1 palm of protein

  • 1 balled fist of veggies

  • 1/2 thumb of fat

 Female Body Sculpting: A Complete ResourceFor Mesomorphs

  • 1 cupped hand of carbs

  • 1 palm of protein

  • 1 balled fist of vegetables

  • 1 thumb of fat

For Endormorphs

  • 1/2 cupped hand of carbs

  • 1 palm of protein

  • 1 balled fist of vegetables

  • 2 thumbs of fat

These are good general guidelines because your hands are proportional to your body size. Be flexible and adjust your portions according to how you feel and the way you look. For example, if you've been gaining unwanted weight, try reducing your carbs to half of your cupped hands per meal and your fat to half of your thumb.

Body Sculpting perfection in a women is a lifestyle change and a combination of disciplined diet and exercise routine. It leads to the perfect body that people appreciate and brings pride to oneself.



Namita Nayyar (WF Team)

Dated 11 April 2015

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