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Women Fitness E-Mag Newsletter
Women Fitness E-Mag Newsletter

Thursday April 02, 2009

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This Week in Health

New Happening

During pregnancy, it is better being locked in a two-dimensional (machines) universe rather than three (free weights) since it makes the exercises safer and eliminates the possibility of losing balance. Remember, the goal during this period is maintenance and not improvement. Therefore, don't push yourself. To learn more check out this week's article on Body Sculpting During Pregnancy.

Hot Fitness Tip of the week

Building muscle mass involves two things: Using enough weight to challenge muscles beyond their normal levels of resistance and eating more calories than you burn. With all the hype about high protein diets lately, it's easy to believe that protein is the best fuel for building muscle but, according to the American Dietetic Association, muscles work on calories "which should be predominately carbohydrates. The remainder of the calories are divided between fat and protein."

If you consume too much protein, you run the risk of creating nutrient imbalance, kidney strain, or dehydration. Plus, excess protein results in extra calories that are either burned or stored. For muscle mass, you should incorporate a healthy eating plan, as well as a workout that combines cardio exercise as well as consistent weight training.

Words of Inspiration

In Control

There is no secret formula to success. Ingredients of which are available to all - a dream, a plan and hard work. With this recipe you can turn your dream into a reality like, this sixty-five year old man who was a broke and received a social security check of $105. He had a dream and secret method of preparing fried chicken. After spending a lifetime in the restaurant business, his dream was to franchise his recipe.
He left his home and started traveling in other states to sell his idea. He traveled all his way to Salt lake city, Utah, before his first sale. Within a short time, hundreds of restaurant all over the country were selling chicken that was "finger-licking' good". The man was Colonel Harlen Sanders.

A dream, a plan, and hard work were the ingredients the Colonel used to turn his dream into a reality.

Learn more 

Success Quote

"If all you see in the road ahead are obstacles, you are on a path to hardship. If however you view them as opportunities, you are on the highway to success."
--Gary Gentilini

Healthy Recipe

Chicken-Potato Quiche



  • 1 cup fat-free egg substitute or 8 egg whites

  • 1 cup non/low fat cottage cheese

  • 1 tablespoon unbleached flour

  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper

  • 1/2 teaspoon hot sauce

  • 1 cup non-stick cooking spray

  • 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cooked and diced

  • 2 green onions, chopped

  • 2 potatoes


  • Combine egg substitute or egg whites, cottage cheese, flour, pepper, and hot sauce and stir well.

  • Stir in cheese, chicken, and green onions. Set aside.

  • Coat a pan with nonstick cooking spray (nonfat).

  • Slice the potatoes 1/4 inch thick, and place the slices in a single layer over the bottom and sides of the pan.

  • Pour the egg mixture onto the mixture.

  • Bake uncovered at 375 degrees F, for 40-45 minutes.

  • Allow to cool at room temperature for 5-10 minutes.

Nutritional Information: 1 slice (1/6 of quiche)

  • Calories: 230

  • Fat: 1 g

  • Cholesterol: 20 mg

  • Protein: 23 g

  • Carbohydrates: 32 g

  • Fiber: 2 g

  • Sodium: 300 mg

Article of the Week

Body Sculpting During Pregnancy

Remaining active during pregnancy offers several benefits to the mother and baby. The key to reaping such benefits is to adjust your exercise program in order to make it safe for you and your baby during this period. Keep in mind that the goal of exercising during pregnancy is to maintain your present level of fitness, not to improve it.

The amount of exercise that mothers-to-be will be able to tolerate during these nine months is directly related to how active they were before becoming pregnant. If a woman has never exercised before in her life, pregnancy is not the time to start a full-blown weight training and intense aerobics program. Starting a weight-training program is very traumatic on the body. A more sensible approach for someone who has never exercised before is to start a mild daily 20 to 30 minute aerobics program consisting of walking at a normal pace. Why walking? Because walking is one of the most natural and safest forms of exercise. During pregnancy, it is crucial to choose exercises that do not result in a loss of balance, since a fall could prove fatal for both the mother and the baby. Therefore, aerobic, activities such as aerobic dance, bench step classes, kickboxing aerobics, and roller blading are all out of the question.


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